Friday, April 1, 2011

Crb check requiring fingerprints?

I have a crb check going through as we speak.. this has been ongoing since oct 2010... i was contacted by my employer to say that the crb require fingerprints from me as i have a similar identity to someone else and to be eliminated, fingerprints are required. I spoke to crb myself and they basically said its quite common (although employer and friends have said they have never heard of this) and that my fingerprints are examined by an expert to determine im not the 2other person" so to speak. ok.. i then spoke to my local police statio, who contacted me last night to ask to me go in to today to have my prints taken. now he told me that my prnts are NOT compared to any other fingerprints they just need to make sure they are my finger prints!! im now completey lost and extremely concerned. My job is to care for vnerable adults so the crb is enhanced, Ive never had my fingerprints or pics taken before. Also in early 2006 i was convicted of fraud but my solicitor assured me it was a serious case of fraud as apprently there are 2 levels... i worked part time and received council tax and housing benefit, which i assumed i was entitled to as a single mum workin 16 hours and on full tax credits, but apprently i wasnt entilted to it and because i never disclosed my actual earrings, (council did no i was working just unsure on my wage) that is fraud.I went to court and was found guilty.. (was devestated) and told to pay money back and done 100 hours community service. at NO POINT was my pics or fingerprints taken.... DO I HAVE A CRIMINAL RECORD???? according to nottingham crown court i dont, according to derby crown court, they are unsure?? im sooo confused!! If my fingerprints are not being compared to other fingerprints, then wot are they being compared to?? im a mum to 5 children and done nothing in my life (apart from speefdin tickets) and om terrifed at the thought of havingmy prints taken especially as most people i no in the same industry as myself, have never heard of this although lady on phone at crb tried to palm this off as really common... can anyone give me an insight into wot is happenin, why and more importnantly wot my fingerprints will compared to , if anything?????

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